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How to Set Up Zoom Integration
Updated over 9 months ago

Zoom is a secure and reliable video platform that empowers to easily schedule and conduct live sessions with Learners and automatically upload recordings for those who missed the meeting.

How to Connect Zoom Account to EducateMe Organization

Navigate to Organization Settings → Webinar settings and use Connect account button in Zoom settings tab:

Make sure you're logged in your Zoom account and authorize EducateMe to access your Zoom account:

How to Change Default Zoom Meeting Settings

You can customize default settings for webinars if you have a connected Zoom account in Organization Settings → Webinar settings. The are common Zoom settings like:

  • Start meetings with the host video on

  • Start meetings with the participants video on

  • Participants can join the meeting before its host

  • Mute participants upon entry

How to Set Automatic Recording of Meetings

Default Zoom settings also allow enabling the automatic recording of webinars if Zoom account is connected. To activate this option, go to Organization Settings → Webinar settings and set Automatically record meeting to:

Record the meeting to the cloud OR Record the meeting locally

Choose Record the meeting to the cloud if you would like recording to be uploaded to the platform and made available to Learners via their EducateMe accounts. Learners can access Recordings right from the Calendar or Dashboard:

Important: Connect a paid Zoom account to the EducateMe organization to ensure automatic meeting recording and uploading to the platform.

How to Set a Default Zoom Account for a Course

Setting default Zoom account for each course allows different courses to have their live sessions simultaneously via Zoom. You can set a default Zoom account per course in Courses → Settings of the course→ Integrations → Zoom integration:

How to Manage Live Sessions with Zoom Webinar Rooms

Use Zoom tab when managing live sessions on the calendar. It will use default Webinar settings set in Organization Settings:

In this window you still can change the default course Zoom account and any other Zoom settings.

Can I connect multiple Zoom accounts to my EducateMe organization?

Yes. You can connect as many Zoom accounts as you need to the organization.

Can I use one Zoom account for holding simultaneous live sessions?

No, this is the limitation on Zoom side. To hold multiple live sessions via Zoom at the same time, you'd need to connect multiple Zoom accounts.

Why the recorded webinar was not uploaded to the platform?

  1. Check if you have enabled automatic recording of meetings in Organization Settings → Webinar settings. Note: there is still a chance that the default settings was changed for a particular meeting and the automatic recording was disabled.

  2. Check if you're using the paid Zoom account.

  3. Check with Zoom support team if they have sent the recording to us once the meeting was over.

Who can download the recording?

Learners cannot download webinar recordings. Instructors can download recordings of assigned courses from Files Library. Admins can download recordings right from the video player and/or Files Library.

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