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Dashboard Overview
Updated over a year ago

The EducateMe dashboard offers a centralized hub for monitoring and managing educational activities, providing a comprehensive overview of active cohorts, learner engagement, feedback on programs, and upcoming events for the whole organization.

Dashboard page displays the following information:

  • Active cohorts & active learners. The number of active learners determines the monthly charge. More on billing and subscription.

  • Learner feedback section allows for an overview of learner satisfaction with the learning content and process. To gain deeper insights, click on the section title to access the Feedback page.

  • Active learner overview helps to identify less active learners on the platform, prompting instructors to provide extra support to ensure they stay on track. Learners are split in three groups:


active on the platform recently

with medium-risk factor

not active on the platform more than 5 days

with high-risk factor

not active on the platform more than a week

  • Learner usage allows tracking the amount of time - in hours - learners spend on a specific activity on the platform:

  • Daily active learners show how active learners are daily on the platform.

  • Event calendar on the right bar is designed:
    - to keep track of all upcoming live events from all active cohorts
    - to show the live session of the ongoing day
    - to provide a statistic on the attendance of completed live sessions.

How to check and edit the attendance of the webinar

  • Navigate to Dashboard

  • Pick the date on the calendar when the webinar took place

  • Click X Attended on the webinar card under the calendar

The attendance report displays the list of:

  • Attendees with the indication of their join time

  • Guests - participants that joined the webinar using the email that is not registered on the platform

  • Absences

Note: Learners joining webinars from emails that are not registered on the platform impact the attendance report as they will be listed in Guests.

To facilitate reporting, you can modify the attendance list by switching between Absent and Attended statuses:

You can do the same on Webinars overview page on the course level.

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