Peer review is as a collaborative learning activity where you're expected to assess and provide feedback on your peers' assignment submissions.
βPeer review activity can be accessed both within the program path and on the dashboard:
Note: Before you start reviewing your peers' submissions for this assignment, make sure to submit your own solution for the connected assignment.
The peer review activity becomes available:
a) right after assignment submission OR
b) based on the scheduled opening date
To start peer review:
check the Content field for any additional guidelines and information from your Instructors
confirm the number of reviews you have to do to complete the peer review activity. The number of reviews is defined by your Instructors and cany vary between 1 and 5.
click Complete button to initiate a peer review. You will be matched with a peer's assignment submission, and your peer Learners may remain anonymous if your Instructors have set it up that way.
review peer's solution and answer questions to conduct the review. The number of questions may vary.
If the review status is currently Waiting, it indicates that there are no new, unreviewed peer Learners' assignment submissions available. Please be patient and wait until your fellow Learners submit their assignment solutions for review.
How to Check Peer Feedback for My Assignment
Once your peer Learners do a peer review for your assignment submission, their feedback will be available for you in Received feedback session. Click Reveal button to see the detailed feedback as per the set rubrics:
The feedback provider's anonymity depends on your Instructors' discretion.
You may receive more feedback than the number of reviews you're expected to conduct.
If your assignment solution is submitted too late, you may not receive any feedback at all.